9+ Crystals to Carry with You – [2023 Updated List]

(Last Updated On: 13th Jan, 2023)

Looking for the best crystals to carry with you daily? Well, guess what… In this article you can find exactly what you are looking for – in fact, more than 9 of them.

Everything from crystals for love, protection, manifestation and other powerful pocket-sized crystals which you can carry with you on daily basis wherever you go.

Here are some of the most popular ones, including their meaning and benefits. Make sure you read careful and choose wisely.

Something that’s going to be besides you on regular basis, deserves to be chosen consciously and with your heart.

Clear Quartz: The Master Healer

As the master healer, clear quartz is known for its ability to amplify energy and intention. It can be used to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit, as well as draw in positive energy.

Also known to increase clarity of thought and aid in concentration, making it one of the best crystals to carry daily.

Keep a piece of clear quartz near you when you need an emotional or physical boost.

Rose Quartz: The Love Crystal

Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encourages unconditional love, self-love, friendship, kindness, and calmness.

As the stone of the heart, rose quartz opens up the heart chakra for giving and receiving love. Keep rose quartz with you as a reminder that love surrounds you always.

Citrine: The Manifestation Stone

Citrine is known as the manifestation stone because it is said to assist in manifesting abundance, prosperity, and success.

Also known as the “success stone” because it is thought to increase motivation and drive, helping you to achieve your goals.

Citrine is also said to promote creativity, boost self-esteem, and increase confidence. One of the good crystals to carry around with you when you need help achieving your dreams is citrine due to its protection powers and capabilities. For full list of crystals to carry with you for protection, check this out.

It is thought to help attract wealth, prosperity, and success. Carrying a piece of Citrine with you can be a great way to help you manifest your goals and dreams, and to attract abundance in all areas of your life.

Citrine is also known for its ability to help with mental clarity and focus. It is said to help with decision making, problem solving, and to promote creativity. It can also help to relieve stress, anxiety and depression. This crystal is also said to be useful for those who are working on personal development and self-improvement.

Citrine is also said to have physical healing properties. It is believed to help with digestion, to boost the immune system, and to help with skin conditions. This crystal is also said to help with thyroid and pancreas issues.

Citrine is also known as “success stone” and it is said to help with business success, career success and to promote good luck. It is also said to help with personal power and self-confidence.

In addition, Citrine is a great crystal for meditation and it can help to balance the solar plexus chakra. It can promote self-confidence, self-esteem and to help with personal power.

In conclusion, citrine is a powerful crystal that can be used for manifestation, abundance, mental clarity, physical healing and personal development. It is a great crystal to carry around, whether you’re looking to improve your financial situation, to achieve success in your career, to boost your creativity and to help with personal development and self-improvement.

Amethyst: The Protection Crystal

Amethyst is a powerful stone that has been used for centuries for its ability to protect against negative energy. It is said to cleanse and purify the mind and body, relieve stress and anxiety, and promote restful sleep.

Keep amethyst near you when you need a boost of positive energy or when you are feeling overwhelmed. Its powerful vibe and energy makes it one of the ideal crystals to carry daily.

Tigers Eye: The Power Gemstone

Tigers eye is a powerful stone that is said to give you courage, strength, and willpower. It is also known as the “success stone” because it is thought to increase motivation and drive, helping you to achieve your goals.

This crystal is best known for its ability to promote creativity, boost self-esteem, and increase confidence makes it the best crystal to carry around.

Keep tigers eye with you when you need help achieving your dreams or when you need an extra dose of courage.

Hematite: The Grounding Gemstone

One of the best crystals to carry with you at school is hematite. It is known as the grounding stone and believe to help promote focus and concentration, and ultimately assist in making wise decisions. You may check other crystals for focus here.

It also helps relieve stress and anxiety, and boost self-esteem. Keep hematite with you when you need help staying grounded or when you’re feeling scattered.

Black Onyx: The Protection Crystal

Black onyx is a powerful protection stone that is said to absorb and transform negative energy. It is also used to promote focus and concentration, and assist in making wise decisions.

Black onyx is traditionally worn during times of grief or sorrow to help ease the pain. Keep black onyx with you when you need protection from negative energy or when you need help making a tough decision.

Pyrite: The Luck Stone

Pyrite is known as the luck stone because it is said to attract good fortune, abundance, and wealth. It is also used to promote creativity, boost self-esteem, and increase confidence.

Pyrite is also said to protect against negative energy and promote positive vibes. Keep pyrite with you when you need a little extra luck or when you’re in need of a confidence boost.

Lapis Lazuli: The Wisdom Stone

Lapis lazuli is known as the wisdom stone because it is said to promote psychic ability, intuition, and inner truth. It is also used to relieve stress and anxiety, ease migraines, and promote relaxation.

Lapis lazuli is also believed to protect against negative energy, making it one of the ideal crystals for travel. Keep lapis lazuli with you when you need help accessing your intuition or when you’re in need of some inner peace.

Malachite: The Transformation Crystal

Malachite is known as the transformation stone because it is said to assist in personal growth and healing. It is also used to relieve stress and anxiety, ease migraines, and boost self-esteem.

It helps protect against negative energy and promote positive vibes, making it the best crystal to carry with you.

Keep malachite with you when you’re ready for some positive change in your life or when you need a confidence boost.

Does Carrying Crystals Help?

There are many benefits to carrying crystals with you. They can help to align your chakras, cleanse and purify your energy field, and give you a sense of calm and well-being.

Carrying crystals can also help you to connect with your higher self, intuition, and inner wisdom.


Crystals can also be used for protection from negative energies, as they can absorb, store, and release negative energy. So carrying crystals with you can help to protect you from negative influences in your environment.

Some other benefits of carrying crystals include: attracting abundance and good luck, promoting creativity and manifestation, aiding in concentration and memory recall, increasing physical vitality and stamina, balancing emotions, reducing stress levels, and helping you to feel more grounded.

Hopefully this guide will help you best identify which are the best crystals to carry daily with you to help boost your mood and luck! Make sure to check our other crystal guides as well.