Blue Crystals: The Most Mysterious and Alluring of All Gems

(Last Updated On: 5th Jan, 2023)

Blue crystals are some of the most popular and widely used healing crystals in the world. They are popularly known to have a wide range of benefits and healing properties. As a result, these stones are prized for their beauty and their unique energies.

In this Takanta guide, we will explore their meaning, healing properties, and spiritual significance, and symbolism.

Though they are often associated with water and the ocean, blue crystals can be found in a variety of colors, from the pale blue of an aquamarine to the deep blue of a sapphire. 

Blue crystals are very popular for their abilities to promote communication, peace, and calm. They are also believed to be helpful for those who are struggling with depression or anxiety. 

In addition to boosting one’s mood, blue crystals are often used in meditation and helping open up the chakras. Blue crystals and throat Chakra work extremely well together. 

If you are looking to add a blue crystal to your collection, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Read on to learn more about the power and meaning of blue crystals.

History and Background of Blue Gemstones

Blue crystals are believed to have a long and storied history, dating back to ancient times. The first blue crystals were found in the Middle East and were used by the ancient Egyptians in jewelry and other decorative items, specifically using the stone in amulets and talismans.

The Egyptians also used blue crystals in their healing practices. 

In the ancient world, blue crystals were also used in China and India. In China, they were used to make statues of the gods and goddesses.

In India, blue crystals were used in religious ceremonies and in the treatment of illness. 

The first blue crystals were brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the 12th century during the Middle Ages. They were used in jewelry and other decorative items, as well as rosaries and other religious items.

During the Middle Ages, blue was a special color as it signified royalty and wealth. 

By the 18th century, blue crystals gained much popularity amongst civilians in Europe and America. The blue stones were used in jewelry, vases, and other decorative items.

Storing Your Blue Aquamarine Stone

In the 19th century, blue crystals were used in the United States as a symbol of loyalty and friendship. They were also used in the treatment of illness. No matter what their purpose, blue crystals have been revered by many cultures throughout history. 

Today, blue crystals are still used in jewelry, vases, and other decorative items. They are also used in the treatment of illness, disorders and other ailments.

Blue Crystals and Stones Healing Properties

According to ancient lore, blue crystals have the power to heal the mind, body, and soul. They are able to soothe away stress and tension and promote relaxation and peace. Blue crystals are also known for their abilities to treat depression, reducing anxiety, and fear. 

Some believe that blue crystals can help to improve communication and to promote understanding and compassion. They can also help enhance intuition and psychic abilities. 

Blue Stones Used as Home Decorations

The most fascinating part about blue crystals and their healing properties is their ability to promote balance within the body’s organ systems.

Respiratory System 

One of the most well-known healing properties of blue crystals is their ability to help the respiratory system. This is because blue crystals contain high levels of negative ions, which are known to help purify the air and improve respiratory function.

Blue crystals are also thought to be beneficial in treating colds, flu, and allergies. In addition, blue crystals are also believed to help reduce inflammation and relieve congestion. 

One example of a blue crystal that could be used to help the respiratory system is lapis lazuli. This crystal helps with respiratory infections and congestion. It is also known to be helpful in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Reproductive System 

Blue crystals are known for their ability to heal the reproductive system. They can help to balance hormones, ease menstrual cramps, and improve fertility. Blue crystals are thought to help treat sexual dysfunction and increase libido. 

One example of a blue crystal that could be used to help the reproductive system is Blue Lace Agate. It helps with balancing hormones and easing anxiety, which can both be helpful for reproductive health.

Immune System 

Blue crystals are popular for their healing properties that can help boost the immune system. One of the ways it does this is by absorbing negative energy and toxins from the body and releasing them into the earth. This helps to cleanse and purify the body, which in turn can help to improve overall health and well-being. 

They also help promote relaxation and peace, which can also help to reduce stress levels and promote better sleep. When the body is well-rested and relaxed, it is better able to fight off infection and illnesses like the cold and the flu.

Additionally, these stones can reduce the severity of allergies and asthma. The immune system is also responsible for skin conditions and inflammation which can be reduced and treated with stones. Specifically, healing wounds, eczema, and psoriasis. 

One example of a blue crystal that could be used to help the immune system is lapis lazuli. It helps purify the blood and detoxify the body, which can help boost the immune system. It is also known for its abilities to help relieve stress and anxiety, which can also help the immune system by reducing the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body.

Digestive System 

Blue crystals are may also help treat digestive problems and digestive disorders. Digestive problems and digestive disorders include indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome. 

They can also help detoxify the body, and in promoting the elimination of toxins. The blue light that is emitted from blue crystals can also help to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms in the digestive system.

Other benefits include its ability to improve the absorption of nutrients. They may also help improve circulation and possibly reduce fluid retention. One example of a blue crystal that could be used to help the digestive system is blue tourmaline.

Raw Blue Tourmaline Known for its Healing Properties

Blue tourmaline is thought to be helpful in reducing inflammation and soothing the digestive tract.

Nervous System 

Blue crystals are also thought to be helpful for calming the nervous system and treating disorders of the nervous system. They are thought to help ease anxiety and promote relaxation. They are also known for relieving stress and promote a sense of peace and calm.

Relieving stress and promoting calmness and peace can reduce or treat headaches, migraines, and tension headaches. They can also be helpful in treating panic attacks and phobias. Promoting peacefulness can help bring more restful sleep, and relieve insomnia, as well as reduce nightmares and night terrors. 

Blue crystals are thought to help improve mental clarity and focus while also calming and soothing the mind. This can help treat addictions and eating disorders. They are also believed to help treat memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, it can be helpful in treating mental and emotional disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. 

Blue crystals may help promote self-esteem, self-confidence, creativity and imagination. These crystals can be useful in treating ADHD and dyslexia. It is also helpful in promoting physical and emotional healing. They are also said to be helpful in treating chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and multiple sclerosis. 

One example of a blue crystal that could be used to help the nervous system is sodalite. Sodalite is known for its calming and soothing properties, which can help to ease tension and stress. It is also believed to promote communication and understanding, which can be helpful in times of conflict or confusion.

Metaphysical Properties of Blue Crystals 

Blue crystals have long been associated with the divine and the mystical. Their calming and serene energy is thought to promote peace, harmony, and balance. Blue crystals are also believed to be powerful healers, helping to soothe the mind, body, and spirit. 

Blue crystals are known to be highly protective, and can be used to guard against negative energy and psychic attack. They are also thought to be helpful in promoting communication and understanding. 

Blue Crystal Rhinestone
Blue Crystal Rhinestones

Blue crystals are believed to be helpful in accessing the spiritual realm, and can be used in meditation and visualization. They may help promote clarity of thought and intuition. They are also associated with the element of water, and can be helpful in cleansing and purifying the body, mind, and spirit. 

The Best Ways to Use Blue Stones 

Blue stones can have a very calming effect on a person. This is one of the reasons why they are often used in home decor and can be especially effective in a room where you want to relax, like a bedroom or bathroom.

Outside the home, like in gardens, blue stones can provide their healing and metaphysical properties. They can also be used in spa-like atmospheres to help people relax. 

Home Decor 

Blue stones are known for their calming effect, making them ideal for use in home decor. One of the best ways to use blue stones in home decor is to place them in strategic locations around the room. 

For example, you could place a blue stone in the center of a coffee table or on a shelf in the living room. Another way is to use them as part of a water feature. This could be something as simple as a small fountain or a larger waterfall.

The sound of the water flowing will help to relax anyone who is near it. You could also use blue stones to accentuate other features in the room, such as a fireplace or a piece of art. When used in home decor, blue stones can help to create a sense of peace and relaxation.


Use blue stones to create a beautiful and serene garden. Incorporate them into pathways, or use them as edging around planting beds. Use larger blue stones as focal points in the garden, or group them together to create a stunning visual effect. 

For a more dramatic look, use blue stones in conjunction with other colors. Use white stones to create a stark contrast, or use them to highlight the blue stones. For a more subtle look, use blue stones with other shades of blue. Grouping different shades together can create a beautiful ombre effect. 

Additionally, add blue stones to potted plants for containers. This will help with drainage and prevent overwatering. 

No matter how you choose to use them, blue stones are a beautiful way to add visual interest to your garden. 

Relaxing Atmosphere 

Blue stones can also be used in a spa-like setting to help intensify the relaxing atmosphere. The stones can be specifically used in a professional setting like the sauna, steam room or massage rooms.

One way is to place them in a bowl of water on a table or in a room where you will be spending time.

It can also be used at home, in the bathroom to help accentuate the relaxing ambiance. For example, blue stones may be placed around the bathtub or in a diffuser to release their calming fragrance. Another way to use blue stones is to add them directly to a bathtub filled with warm water. 

Alternatively, blue stones may be used in a massage oil to help ease muscle tension. 

Overall, these stones will help to soothe any muscle aches or pains in addition to creating a relaxing atmosphere. 

Various Types of Blue Crystals 

There are a variety of blue crystals that can be found on Earth. They come in a range of different shades, from light blue to dark blue. Light blue crystals are typically found in shades of pale blue, while dark blue crystals are found in richer, deeper shades. 

The most notable difference between the two is the depth of color. Light blue crystals tend to be less saturated and have a more delicate appearance, while dark blue crystals are richer and more vibrant. 

Another difference between light and dark blue crystals is the energy they emit. Light blue crystals are often associated with serenity and calm, while dark blue crystals are linked with strength and power. When choosing a crystal for healing or meditation, it is important to consider the energy you wish to invoke.

Light Blue Crystals 

Light blue crystals are known for their healing and metaphysical properties. These crystals are often associated with communication, healing, and wisdom. They are also believed to promote peace, serenity, and calmness. 

Different Types of Light Blue Gemstones

Another benefit they they bring is the feeling of being charitable while additionally helping with communication and self-expression. 

In terms of meditation, light blue crystals are thought to be helpful in opening the Throat Chakra. Some examples of light blue crystals are: 

Blue Chalcedony 

Blue chalcedony is a semiprecious stone that has been used in jewelry and other decorative items for centuries. It is a type of quartz that is found in a wide range of colors, from pale blue to deep blue-violet.

There are many different types of blue chalcedony, each with its own unique color and properties. The most common type of blue chalcedony is the sky-blue variety, which is characterized by its light blue color and translucent appearance.

Blue Chalcedony Necklace Charm

Other popular types of blue chalcedony include the electric-blue variety, which is known for its vibrant color, and the royal-blue variety, which is prized for its rich, deep blue hue. The most prized variety is called “blue chalcedony,” which is a deep blue with a violet hue.

Its beautiful blue color is created by the presence of iron and other minerals in the stone. It is found in several locations around the world, including Brazil, India, and the United States.

The largest deposit of chalcedony in the world is in Australia. This deposit is estimated to contain billions of tons of chalcedony. This stone is found in a number of different sizes, from small pebbles to large boulders.

Some of the most popular cabochon cuts include ovals, rounds, and hearts. Chalcedony beads are also very popular. 

While blue chalcedony is a popular choice for jewelry, it is not a particularly durable stone. It is quite soft, with a Mohs hardness of only 6.5-7. This means that it can easily be scratched or chipped.

Additionally, blue chalcedony is somewhat porous, so it can absorb oils and other substances from the skin, which can cause it to lose its color over time. For these reasons, many people choose to avoid wearing blue chalcedony jewelry on a daily basis. 

There are, however, a number of different ways to use blue chalcedony in jewelry and other decorative items. It can be used as a focal point in a piece, or it can be used as an accent stone. It can also be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes, and set in different types of metal. 

While the stone is not particularly rare, it is not as commonly found as some other semi precious stones, which can make it more expensive. The price of blue chalcedony can vary depending on the quality of the stone and the size of the piece, but it is typically in the range of $20-30 per carat. 

If you are looking for a semi precious stone that is both beautiful and affordable, blue chalcedony is a great option. It is available in a wide range of sizes, colors and prices, so you can find the perfect piece to suit your needs. 

Blue Fluorite 

Fluorite is a mineral with a wide range of colors, ranging from blue to purple, green, yellow, colorless, brown, and pink. The different colors are due to different trace element impurities.

Fluorite is commonly found in hydrothermal veins and pegmatites. It is also found in some metamorphic rocks. The name fluorite comes from the Latin word “fluere” which means “to flow”. Fluorite has a Mohs hardness of 4.

One of the most popular types of blue fluorite is called “rainbow fluorite.” Rainbow fluorite is characterized by its wide range of colors, which can include blue, green, purple, pink, and yellow. Rainbow fluorite is often used as a gemstone, and it is believed to have mystical and healing properties.

Blue Fluorite Beads

Another type of blue fluorite is called “yttrian fluorite.” Yttrian fluorite is blue in color, but it can also contain yellow, green, or brown inclusions. This type of fluorite is named after the element yttrium, which is often found in the same rocks as fluorite. Yttrian fluorite is sometimes used as a gemstone, but it is not as popular as rainbow fluorite.

Fluorite is a beautiful blue mineral that is often used in jewelry. It has a unique color that can range from a light blue to a deep blue. Fluorite is a very popular gemstone and is often used in rings, necklaces, and earrings.

It is a relatively soft stone, so it is not recommended for use in rings that will be worn daily. Fluorite is a fairly fragile stone and can easily be chipped or broken, so it is important to be careful when wearing it. 

Fluorite occurs in a wide range of sizes. The largest documented single crystal of fluorite was found in the Cave-in-Rock district in Hardin County, Illinois; it measured 25 feet (7.6 m) long and weighed 16,000 pounds (7300 kg).

The largest crystal of fluorite ever found was at the Wheal Martyn China clay pit in Cornwall, England; it measured 36 feet (11 m) long and weighed 160,000 pounds (73,000 kg). It is most commonly found in the form of crystals, but can also be found in massive form, as well as in a variety of other shapes. 

The different colors of fluorite can command different prices. For example, top-quality blue fluorite can sell for as much as $100 per carat, while green fluorite may only sell for $10 per carat. 

Other Light Blue Stones 

Angelite is a blue stone crystal that helps promote communication, understanding, and awareness. It is can also help in promoting peace and calm. 

Celestine is a beautiful blue mineral that has been used for centuries for its ornamental and healing properties. It promotes inner peace and harmony, and is often used in meditation and crystal healing. Celestine is also known as the Stone of Heaven, which can be powerful aid in connecting with the Higher Realms. Celestine is a soft mineral with a Mohs hardness of only 3. 

Blue Kyanite is a stone of communication and protection. It is known to facilitate psychic communication and to promote calm and tranquility. It can also protect the wearer from negative energy. Blue kyanite is a silicate mineral with a Mohs hardness of 6–7.

Blue Topaz is a mineral that can be found in a variety of colors, but is most commonly known for its blue hues. It is the state gemstone of Texas, and have a variety of healing properties. It has a hardness of 8 on the Mohs scale. 

London Blue Topaz Engagement Ring

Dark Blue Crystals 

The deep, dark blue of blue crystals is often associated with the night sky, and indeed, these stones can help us to connect with the energies of the cosmos. Dark blue crystals are typically associated with feelings of tranquility and peace. They are believed to promote relaxation and relieve stress and agitation.They are also helpful in relieving headaches, insomnia, and tension. 

Aside from physical benefits, blue crystals are also known to promote spiritual connection and attunement, and to enhance psychic abilities. Also known for their ability to calm and soothe the mind and body, making them ideal for use in meditation and relaxation. Specifically, helpful in opening the Third Eye Chakra. 

There are many types of dark blue crystals which include: 

Blue Sandstone 

Blue sandstone is a type of sandstone that is blue in color. It is typically composed of quartz and feldspar. Blue sandstone is found in a variety of locations, including the United States, Australia, and China. 

There are two main types of blue sandstone: flaggy sandstone and lithic sandstone. Flaggy sandstone is characterized by its thin, flat layers. Lithic sandstone is thicker and has a more massive appearance. 

Blue Sandstone Ring

Blue sandstone is available in a variety of sizes and shapes, and it can be used for a number of different purposes. The stone is typically soft and easy to work with, which makes it a popular choice for a wide range of applications. Blue sandstone typically falls somewhere in the middle of the Mohs scale, with a hardness of around 6 or 7. 

It is commonly used in construction, as it can be carved and shaped into a variety of different forms. Blue sandstone is also popular in landscaping and as a decorative element in gardens.

The stone is not particularly hard, and it can be easily scratched or chipped. However, it is still durable enough to be used in a number of different ways. With proper care, blue sandstone can last for many years. 

If you’re looking to add a touch of luxury to your home, blue sandstone is a great option. It’s a popular choice for high-end homes and commercial properties, and its unique

color can really make a space pop. Of course, blue sandstone comes at a cost. It’s generally more expensive than other types of stone, and the installation process can be complex. 

In the United States, blue sandstone can cost anywhere from $10 to $100 per square foot. The cost of blue sandstone in Australia is typically around $35 per square foot.

In China, the cost of blue sandstone is usually between $20 and $30 per square foot. Blue sandstone, while it is usually a bit more expensive than other types of sandstone, is definitely worth the extra cost. 

Blue Spinel 

Blue spinel is a gemstone that has a rich blue color. It is found in a variety of colors, from pale blue to deep blue. The most prized blue spinels are those with a rich, deep blue color. Blue spinel is found in a variety of countries, including Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. It is also found in the United States, in the state of Arizona. 

There are a few different types of blue spinel, including natural blue spinel, treated blue spinel, and synthetic blue spinel. Natural blue spinel is the most rare and expensive type of blue spinel.

Blue Spinel Ring

Treated blue spinel has been treated with heat or chemicals to enhance its color. Meanwhile, synthetic blue spinel is created in a laboratory and is much less expensive than natural blue spinel. 

Blue spinel is a gemstone that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The largest blue spinel ever found weighed in at over 700 carats. The second largest blue spinel on record weighed 400 carats. The average size of a blue spinel is around 10 carats.

The most common shape for blue spinel is oval, but it can also be found in other shapes such as round, pear, and marquise. Blue spinel is a popular gemstone for jewelry, and is often used in rings, earrings, and pendants. 

The prices for blue spinel can vary depending on the quality of the stone and the size of the stone. The average price for a high-quality blue spinel is between $500 and $1,000 per carat. 

Additional Dark Blue Crystals 

Azurite is a soft, blue carbonate mineral found in the upper oxidized portions of copper ore deposits. It is best known for its intense blue coloration and is a popular gemstone and ornamental stone. Azurite with a Mohs hardness of only 3.5 to 4 can easily be scratched and bruised. It can be found in many parts of the world, including Australia, Chile, France, Greece, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Peru, the United States, and Zimbabwe.

Larimar is a type of blue pectolite, an igneous mineral rock. Its coloration ranges from white to light blue, blue, green-blue, and deep blue. Larimar is found only in the Dominican Republic. It is a relatively soft stone, with a hardness of only 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. 

Blue Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum, which is classified as a 9 on the Mohs hardness scale. This means that it is very resistant to scratching and abrasion, and is therefore a popular choice for use in jewelry. They are also used in watchmaking and other applications where durability and scratch resistance are important. 

Blue Sapphire Ring

Sodalite is one of the most popular dark blue crystals. Sodalite promotes relaxation and relieves agitation and stress. It helps with communication, creativity, and logic. Sodalite is a great crystal for those who are seeking inner peace and harmony. 

Blue Tourmaline is a type of semi-precious stone that can be found in a variety of colors, from pale blue to deep blue. It is a member of the tourmaline family, which also includes stones such as green tourmaline and red tourmaline. This gem is found in many parts of the world, including Africa, Brazil, and the United States. It is generally considered to be a relatively hard gemstone, with a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. 

Blue Green Crystals 

Aquamarine is a blue-green stone that is most commonly found in Brazil. It is a variety of the mineral beryl and has a Mohs hardness of 7.5-8. Aquamarine is often used in jewelry and can have a calming effect on the wearer. 

Lapis Lazuli is a blue-green stone that has been used for centuries for its unique color. The stone is mined in Afghanistan, and its name comes from the Latin word for blue. Lapis lazuli is a semiprecious stone, and its blue-green color is created by the presence of trace minerals in the stone. The most common use for lapis lazuli is in jewelry, but it is also used in other arts and crafts. Lapis lazuli is also promotes relaxation, relieve stress, and help with communication and creativity. Lapis lazuli is also thought to help with depression, anxiety, and insomnia. 

Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminum, and it has a hardness of 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been used as a gemstone and ornamental stone for thousands of years. Turquoise is found in arid regions, and it is often associated with copper deposits. It typically forms in the presence of zinc, iron, and manganese minerals. 

Buying Blue Crystals and Stones

When it comes to buying blue crystals and stones, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, make sure you know what type of crystal or stone you want. There are many different kinds available on the market, so it’s important to do your research before making a purchase. 

Another thing to consider is the quality of the stone. There are a lot of fake or low quality crystals and stones out there, so be sure to buy from a reputable source. You can usually tell the difference by the color of the stone – real crystals and stones will have a deep, rich color, while fake ones will be more pale. 

Finally, be sure to think about what you want to use the stone for. Some people like to keep them as decoration, while others use them for healing or energy work. Whatever your purpose, make sure you find a stone that resonates with you. 

With these things in mind, you’re sure to find the perfect blue crystal or stone for you. 

Where to Buy Blue Gemstones 

There are many places to buy raw blue crystals and stones. Some popular places include gem shows, mineral dealers, and online retailers. 

Gem shows are a great place to find a wide variety of blue crystals and stones. Many gem shows have dealers that specialize in blue crystals and stones. This is a great place to find a large variety of crystals and stones to choose from. 

Mineral dealers are another great place to find blue crystals and stones. These dealers usually have a wide variety of crystals and stones to choose from. They may also be able to special order crystals and stones for you if they do not have the ones you are looking for in stock. 

Online retailers are a great place to find blue crystals and stones. There are many online retailers that sell blue crystals and stones. This is a great place to find a large variety of crystals and stones to choose from. 

Most Expensive Blue Crystals 

Blue crystals are some of the most popular and expensive crystals in the world. They are often used in jewelry and other decorative items. Blue crystals are known to have a calming effect on the mind and body, and are believed to promote peace and harmony.

The most expensive blue crystals in the world are those that have been cut and polished from the rarest and most valuable gemstones. The most expensive of these is the Hope Diamond, which is valued at over $250 million.

Other blue crystals that are considered to be among the most valuable in the world include the Blue Diamond of the Hope Diamond, the Blue Hope Diamond, and the Blue Diamonds of the De Beers Group. 

Blue Diamond Ring

Other blue crystals that are valuable include the blue topaz, blue moonstone, and blue opal. These crystals are all beautiful and have a variety of different uses. 

Blue topaz is a semi-precious stone that has been used in jewelry for centuries. Blue topaz is a mineral that can be found in a variety of colors, including blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, and red. The most common color of blue topaz is sky blue. It can be found in a variety of locations, including Brazil, Sri Lanka, and the United States. 

Topaz is a relatively hard stone, making it durable for use in rings, necklaces, and other jewelry. However, its hardness also makes it difficult to cut, which contributes to its high cost. In addition, blue topaz is a relatively rare stone, which also contributes to its high price. 

Blue Topaz 

The different types of blue topaz include Sky blue topaz, swiss blue topaz, london blue topaz and ice blue topaz. Sky blue topaz is the most common type of blue topaz. It is typically a pale blue color. This is the most affordable type of blue topaz. Swiss blue topaz is a brighter blue color while London blue topaz is a dark blue color. The last type is ice blue topaz which is a very pale blue color. 

Topaz comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, from small, delicate stones to large, showy ones. The most common shapes are round, oval, pear, and emerald, but topaz can also be found in marquise, heart, and cushion cuts. 

The price of blue topaz can vary depending on the quality and size of the stone. Generally, larger and higher quality stones will be more expensive. Smaller, lower quality stones can be purchased for as little as $10 per carat, while larger, higher quality stones can cost up to $500 per carat. The most expensive prices for blue topaz can be found in the range of $500 to $1,000 per carat. 

Blue Moonstone 

The value of blue moonstones can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, such as the size, quality, and provenance of the stone. However, it is generally agreed that blue moonstones are among the most valuable and expensive of all the gemstones.

A blue moonstone is a variety of the mineral feldspar that exhibits a pearly sheen and a blue or violet hue. The stone is named for its moon-like glow and is thought to represent the moon goddess, Selene. Blue moonstones are found in many parts of the world, including Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the United States. 

Tumbled Blue Moonstone

There are two main types of blue moonstone: cabochon and faceted. Cabochon moonstones are smooth, rounded, and have a domed shape. Faceted moonstones are cut into a variety of shapes and have a flat surface. Both types of blue moonstone are used in jewelry and can be found in a variety of colors, including white, pink, yellow, and green. 

Moonstone is found in many different sizes and shapes. The most common shape is a cabochon, or rounded dome shape. Other shapes include oval, pear, tear drop, and rectangle. The size of moonstone can range from very small to large. The largest moonstone on record is the “Eudialyte” moonstone, which weighs in at 9 pounds and 11 ounces. 

Blue moonstones are typically more expensive than other colored moonstones. The price of blue moonstones can vary depending on the quality of the stone. Blue moonstones are typically more expensive than other colors. Prices for blue moonstones can range from $20 to $100 per carat. The most expensive blue moonstone on record was sold for $1.8 million in 2015.

Blue Opal 

Blue opals are considered to be quite expensive, as they are quite rare. In general, opals are some of the most valuable gemstones in the world, and blue opals are especially prized. Because they are so rare, they can be quite difficult to find, and when they are found, they are often quite small. As a result, they can be quite expensive to purchase. 

Blue opals are a type of opal that is blue in color. They are found in a variety of locations, including Australia, Brazil, and the United States. Blue opals can range in color from a pale blue to a deep blue. There are two main types of blue opal: Boulder opal and Lightning Ridge opal. Boulder opal is a type of opal that is found as small boulders or pebbles in sandy or clay soils.

It is typically blue in color, but can also be found in a range of other colors, including green, red, and yellow. Lightning Ridge opal is a type of opal that is found as small nodules in a type of rock known as ironstone. It is typically black in color, but can also be found in a range of other colors, including blue, green, and red.

Blue opals can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes. The most common shape for blue opals is oval. However, they can also be found in a variety of other shapes such as round, square, and heart-shaped. The size of blue opals can vary greatly. Some are very small, while others can be quite large. The largest blue opal on record weighed in at almost 9 pounds! 

Blue opals can range in price from a few dollars per carat to several thousand dollars per carat, depending on the quality of the stone. Blue opals typically range in price from $50 to $500 per carat. The most expensive blue opal on record was sold in 2014 for $1.2 million per carat. 

Most Affordable Blue Crystals 

Affordable blue crystals are a type of crystal that is known for its affordability. These crystals are often used in a variety of different settings, including in jewelry and as decorative items. While they are not as expensive as some of the other crystals on the market, they can still provide a beautiful and unique look that is perfect for those who are looking for something a little different. 

Blue Howlite 

Blue howlite is a type of semi precious gemstone. It can be found in a number of locations, including the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The stone is typically white or light blue in color, with streaks or veins of darker blue, which is caused by the presence of trace amounts of copper in the stone. It is believed to have calming and soothing properties, and may help with insomnia and anxiety. 

Howlite is a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4. Blue howlite is often used in beaded jewelry, as well as in carved pendants and other pieces. It is also used as a filler in epoxy resins.

Blue Howlite Stones

It is most commonly found in white or light-gray colors, but can also be blue, green, yellow, brown, or pink. 

There are two main types of howlite: gemstone howlite and turquoise howlite. Gemstone howlite is the more commonly found variety and is used in a variety of jewelry and carving applications. This great combination of pink and blue crystals is a rare treat for collectors.

Turquoise howlite is less common, and is prized for its blue coloration. 

It is found in sizes ranging from small beads to large slabs. The largest known howlite nodule was found in California and weighed in at over 100 pounds! 

The price of blue howlite varies depending on the quality and quantity of the stone. For example, a single large, high-quality blue howlite gemstone can cost hundreds of dollars. A lower-quality blue howlite gemstone may only cost a few dollars. It normally ranges in price from $5 to $30 per ounce making it an extremely affordable stone. 

Finding the Authenticity of Blue Stones 

There are many different types of blue stones and crystals, and each has its own unique set of characteristics. When it comes to determining the authenticity of these stones, it is important to consider all of the factors that can affect their appearance. Some tips on how to determine the authenticity of blue stones and crystals include checking for natural inclusions, examining the color and clarity, and looking for any signs of artificial enhancement. 

One of the most important factors is the source of the stone or crystal. If the stone or crystal comes from a reputable source, it is more likely to be authentic. If the price is significantly lower than the market value, it is more likely that the stone or crystal is fake. 

Another important factor is the appearance of the stone or crystal. If the stone or crystal looks fake or artificial, it is more likely to be counterfeit. In addition, the size, shape, color and clarity of the stone can also play a role in its authenticity.

For example, some blue stones may be dyed or treated in order to enhance their color, while others may be naturally occurring. 

By taking all of these factors into account, you can be sure that you are getting a stone that is truly authentic. 

Natural Stones 

There are many different types of naturally occurring gemstones. Some of the more popular ones include diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. These gemstones are all found in different parts of the world and are mined, which is the process of extracting minerals from the earth.

There are many different types of mining, but the most common type is open-pit mining, which is when a large hole is dug in the ground and minerals are extracted from it. 

Some gemstones, such as diamonds, are also obtained through alluvial mining, which is when minerals are extracted from riverbeds or ocean floors. This type of mining is usually done in areas where diamonds are found in high concentrations. 

Finally, some gemstones, such as pearls, are obtained through aquaculture, which is when they are cultivated in controlled environments, such as oyster farms. 

These naturally occurring gemstones are minerals that are used for personal adornment, and they have been used since ancient times.

Blue Agate 

Blue agate is a type of semi precious gemstone that is naturally occurring. It typically forms as nodules or masses in cavities within rocks. The blue color is caused by the presence of iron and other minerals in the stone.It is found in a number of locations around the world, including the United States, Brazil, India, and Africa.

Blue agate is used in a variety of jewelry and other decorative items. It is also believed to have a number of metaphysical properties, including promoting peace and calming emotions. 

There are a variety of blue agate types, including Lace agate, fire agate and blue agate geode. Lace agate has a delicate, lacy appearance and is typically blue in color. This type of agate can be found in namibia. Fire agate is blue in color and has a fiery, iridescent quality. It can be found in Mexico.

Blue Agate Geode is a type of rock that contains a cavity that is lined with crystals. Blue agate geodes are found in a variety of locations, including the United States, Mexico, and South America. 

It comes in a variety of sizes and shapes, from small beads to large, free-form pieces.It typically is cut into cabochons or beads.The different sizes of blue agate can range from very small pieces that are only a few millimeters in size, to large pieces that can be several inches in diameter.

Blue Agate Stones

Some of the largest pieces of agate can weigh hundreds of pounds. Agate is typically found in banded formations, with each layer containing a different color. 

Blue agate is not a particularly rare stone, so it is relatively inexpensive. Prices can vary depending on the quality of the stone and the size of the piece, but a small piece of blue agate jewelry can typically be found for less than $100. 

Blue Calcite 

Calcite is a mineral that occurs naturally in a variety of colors, including blue. It is found in a variety of locations around the world, including the United States, Mexico, Europe, and Australia. The blue calcite crystals are often used as a decorative stone, and is also used in the manufacture of a variety of products, including jewelry, paint, and plastics. 

Types of calcite include Iceland spar, a transparent variety of calcite. Optical calcite is a variety of calcite that is used in optics. Blue calcite is a variety of calcite that is blue in color. Purple calcite is a variety of calcite that is purple in color. 

Raw Blue Calcite

The most common shape of blue calcite is a hexagon, but it can also be found in a variety of other shapes, including a rhombus, a cube, and an octahedron. Its crystals can vary in size. The largest blue calcite crystal ever found weighed more than 600 pounds and was found in a cave in Mexico.

The price of blue calcite varies depending on the size and quality of the stone. Blue calcite is typically priced by the carat, with larger specimens costing more than smaller ones. Blue calcite on average ranges from $40 to $50 per ounce. 

Laboratory Manufactured and Altered Stones 

There is no definitive answer to this question since there is no governing body or standard definition for what constitutes a laboratory manufactured or altered stone. In general, these terms refer to any type of stone that has been created or modified in a controlled environment outside of its natural setting.

This could include anything from simply polishing a stone to completely synthesizing it in a lab. The term may also be used to describe stones that have been treated with chemicals or heat in order to improve their appearance or durability. 

This can be done for a variety of reasons, including to improve the quality of the stone, to create a new variety of stone, or to change the color of the stone. The process of laboratory alteration typically involves taking a stone and making changes to its composition or structure.

This can be done through a variety of means, such as adding or removing components, changing the temperature or pressure of the environment, or using radiation. 

There are a number of benefits to laboratory manufactured or altered stones. First, they can be made to order according to the specific desires of the customer. Second, they often have superior clarity and color than natural stones. Finally, they tend to be more durable and resistant to damage. 

Blue Aventurine 

Blue aventurine is a type of quartz that is characterized by its inclusions of blue fibers. These fibers are usually made of asbestos, but can also be made of other minerals such as tourmaline or rutile.It is found in a number of locations around the world, including Brazil, India, and China. The stone is typically used for a variety of purposes, including jewelry and decoration. 

Aventurine is manufactured by a process known as hydrothermal synthesis. This involves combining the appropriate chemicals in a closed system and subjecting them to high temperatures and pressures. This process allows for the creation of large, flawless crystals. 

There are three different types of blue aventurine which include Indian Blue Aventurine, Tibetan Blue Aventurine, and Chinese Blue Aventurine.

The first type of aventurine is found in India and has a deep blue color. It is believed to promote creativity and self-expression. The second type of aventurine is found in Tibet and has a sky blue color.

This type of blue aventurine is known to promote self-love and acceptance to its wearer. Lastly, the third type of aventurine is found in China and has a navy blue color. This type is said to be helpful in attracting luck and abundance. 

Blue aventurine is found in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small pieces that are used in jewelry to large sculptures. The stone is usually cut into cabochons or beads, but can also be found in other shapes such as spheres, eggs, or hearts.

Blue Aventurine

Blue aventurine is found in several different sizes, from very small pieces that are only a few millimeters in diameter, to large pieces that can be several centimeters in diameter. 

The price of blue aventurine can vary depending on the quality and size of the stone. Lower quality stones may be less expensive, while higher quality stones can be quite costly.

For example, a small piece of blue aventurine might sell for $10, while a large, high-quality piece could sell for $100 or more. 

Blue Goldstone 

Blue goldstone is a man-made stone that is created by combining quartz with other minerals. The most common minerals used to create blue goldstone are cobalt, manganese, and copper. The resulting stone has a deep blue color with a sparkly, metallic appearance. Blue goldstone has a calming and soothing energy, and is believed to promote wealth and good luck. 

There are many different types of blue goldstone, each with its own unique properties and color. The most common type is the dark blue goldstone, which is known to be the most powerful and is used for healing and protection.

The light blue goldstone is known for its soothing and calming capabilities, while the green goldstone can be very energizing. It is popularly known for its romantic and loving vibes, while the purple goldstone is often associated with its ability to enhance wisdom and intuition.

The different types of blue goldstone vary in size, but the most common size is the small, round beads. These beads are usually strung together to make bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry. 

Prices for blue goldstone can vary depending on the quality of the stone and where it is purchased. Generally, lower quality stones will be less expensive, while higher quality stones can be quite pricey. For example, a small, lower quality blue goldstone might cost around $5, while a large, higher quality stone could cost $100 or more. 

Synthetic Blue Spinel 

Synthetic blue spinel is a man-made gemstone that has the same chemical composition as natural blue spinel. It is created using a process called flux grown crystal synthesis.

This method involves melting chemicals together such as cobalt and aluminum oxide in a crucible, then slowly cooling the mixture to form a large, single crystal. The final step is to cut and polish the synthetic spinel to create a beautiful gemstone. 

Synthetic Blue Spinel Bracelet

It is typically used as a stimulant or substitute for blue sapphire. This gemstone is also known for its durability, as it is not susceptible to chipping or scratching. 

It is most commonly used as a stand-in for diamonds in jewelry. The finished product is a beautiful blue stone with a high refractive index and excellent hardness. The result is a beautiful, blue gemstone that is very popular in rings, earrings, and other jewelry pieces. 

Synthetic blue spinel is typically less expensive. The price of synthetic blue spinel can vary depending on the quality and size of the stone, but is typically around $30-$50 per carat. 

Blue Crystals and Their Use in Jewelry 

The history of blue stones in jewelry is long and varied. Blue has been used in jewelry for centuries, and the meaning and symbolism of the color has changed over time. In the past, blue was often associated with royalty and wealth, and was used to symbolize power and prestige. Today, blue is still seen as a color of luxury, but it is also associated with peace, calm, and serenity. 

Blue crystals are a popular choice for jewelry because of their beauty and meaning. Most commonly known blue crystals and their meanings include color of the sky and the ocean, and is often associated with feelings of peace, tranquility, and serenity. Blue crystals can be used to promote healing, harmony, and balance in your life. Blue crystals are also believed to have a calming effect on the wearer and are often used in jewelry to promote relaxation. 

Different Designs and Patterns of Blue Crystals in Jewelry 

Blue crystals are a popular choice for jewelry because of their beauty and versatility. There are many different designs and patterns that can be made with blue crystals, from simple and elegant to more elaborate and eye-catching. Whether you are looking for a piece of jewelry to wear every day or something special for a night out, there is sure to be a blue crystal design that is perfect for you. 

They come in a wide variety of colors, from the lightest blue to the darkest blue, and can be found in many different sizes. Blue crystals can be cut into a variety of shapes and sizes, and are often used in settings such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

There are many different designs and patterns that can be made with blue crystals. Some of the most popular designs include hearts, flowers, stars, and moons. Blue crystals can also be used to create a variety of other designs, such as animals, landscape scenes, or abstract patterns. 

Blue crystals are known to have a variety of healing properties. 

Benefits of Wearing Blue Crystals 

When worn as jewelry, blue crystals can help to dissipate negative energy and promote positive energy flow. Blue crystals are also popular for their ability to connect with the spiritual realm, and can be used for psychic protection. 

Some benefits of wearing blue crystals are that they can promote peace, calm, and relaxation; reduce stress and anxiety; and help to ease depression. Blue crystals are also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, and can be helpful in promoting sleep. 

Blue crystals are also popular for its properties known for enhancing one’s communication, promoting understanding and harmony. They are able to enhance intuition while also promoting clarity of thought and aid in concentration.

Overall, wearing blue crystals can be beneficial in many ways. 

Most Commonly Used Blue Crystals in Jewelry 

The most popular pieces of jewelry incorporated with blue stones are probably rings, necklaces, and earrings. Additionally, there are numerous combinations of different types of blue crystals set in jewelry that are widely popular.

However, some of the most common are blue tourmaline, blue onyx, and blue topaz. Each of these crystals has unique properties that make them desirable for different reasons. 

Blue Tourmaline 

Blue tourmaline is one of the most popular blue crystals used in jewelry. This crystal is a powerful stone helps protect against negative energy and to promote healing. It is also believed to boost self-confidence and to help one achieve their goals. 

It is known for its beautiful blue color and its ability to change colors in different lighting. Tourmaline is a relatively hard gemstone, making it ideal for use in rings, bracelets, and other pieces of jewelry. It is also a popular stone for use in engagement and wedding rings.

Blue Tourmaline Pendant

Blue tourmaline is found in many different parts of the world, but most of the world’s supply comes from Brazil. There are two main types of blue tourmaline: indicolite and paraiba. Indicolite is the more common type of blue tourmaline, and it ranges in color from blue to greenish-blue.

Paraiba is a much rarer type of blue tourmaline, and it has a bright blue color. Paraiba tourmaline is only found in a few places in the world, and it is very valuable. 

These crystals come in many different sizes and shapes. The most popular shape is the oval shape. The blue tourmaline is also available in the round shape. The blue tourmaline is also available in the Pear shape. The blue tourmaline is also available in the Marquise shape. The blue tourmaline is also available in the Heart shape. 

Due to its popularity, the blue tourmaline is one of the most expensive gemstones on the market. A single carat of blue tourmaline can cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000, making it an unaffordable option for many people. However, tourmalines are also found in a variety of jewelry pieces, such as rings, necklaces, and earrings. These pieces are often more affordable, with prices ranging from $50 to $500. 

Blue Onyx 

Blue onyx is another popular blue crystal used in jewelry. It is a stone that helps promote inner strength and to provide support during difficult times. It is also thought to promote concentration and to help with decision making. It is known for its deep blue color and its ability to absorb negative energy. 

Blue Onyx

There are two main types of blue onyx, the banded variety and the solid variety. The banded onyx is made up of layers of different colors, while the solid onyx is a single piece of stone. Both types of onyx are equally beautiful, and they can be used in a variety of ways. 

This crystal is the most popular for use in jewelry, specifically in rings. Onyx is a hard stone, and is therefore very durable, and also resistant to scratching and chipping. It can be carved into a variety of shapes and is often used in cameo jewelry. 

Onyx comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be cut and polished into a number of different shapes. The most common shape is the cabochon, which is a smooth, rounded stone. It can also be found in a variety of other shapes, including oval, pear-shaped, and heart-shaped. Onyx can also be cut into beads, which are then strung together to create necklaces, bracelets, and other jewelry. 

Onyx is relatively inexpensive, making it a good choice for those looking for a beautiful gemstone on a budget. Jewelry made with blue onyx is also quite affordable, and the

stone is often used in costume jewelry and fashion accessories. A small piece of blue onyx can cost as little as $10, while a large piece can cost hundreds of dollars. 

Blue Topaz Birthstone 

Blue topaz is the final blue crystal commonly used in jewelry. It is a stone that helps promote love and to bring happiness into one’s life. It is also beneficial when manifesting one’s desires. It is known for its beautiful, striking blue color and its ability to sparkle in the light. 

The blue topaz is the birthstone for people born in the month of December. This birthstone helps bring good fortune and to symbolize love and affection. This gemstone is most commonly found in jewelry such as rings, pendants, and earrings. It is also a popular choice for engagement and wedding rings. Blue topaz is a beautiful stone that can add a touch of elegance to any outfit. 

The different prices for jewelry can vary depending on the quality and carat size of the stone. A small, lower quality stone may start at around $25, while a large, high quality stone can cost upwards of $3,000.

The price for jewelry can also depend on the type of setting and materials used. A simple gold setting may cost less than $100, while a more elaborate diamond setting can cost several thousand dollars. 

Blue Gemstones and Meditation

Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or for the mind to simply acknowledge its content without becoming identified with that content. There are many different types of meditation, each with its own techniques and purposes.Overall, meditation is an effective way to focus and calm the mind while also improving one’s mental and physical well-being. 

There are many benefits to meditation, including reducing stress, anxiety, and improving sleep quality. Blue gemstones are known to have calming and soothing properties. They are often used in meditation to promote peace and relaxation. 

When choosing a blue gemstone for meditation, it is important to select one that resonates with you. The stone should be comfortable to hold and should not be too small or too large. 

Meditation with a blue gemstone can help you to connect with your inner voice and express yourself more clearly. It can also promote feelings of peace and calm. 

Different Chakras Associated with Blue Crystals

There are seven main chakras, which are located along the spine. The chakras are responsible for the flow of energy throughout the body. The chakras can become blocked, which can lead to physical and emotional imbalances. 

Therefore, to remove the blocks and balance the chakras, the use of blue gemstones are needed. Blue crystals are known for their calming and soothing properties. They can help to open up the chakras and allow the energy to flow freely.

Third Eye Chakra 

The Third Eye chakra is associated with the color blue, and blue crystals can be used to help balance and open this chakra. The Third Eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is associated with intuition, psychic ability, and clairvoyance.

When this chakra is balanced, we are able to trust our intuition and have a clear vision of our life path. When it is out of balance, we may experience feelings of confusion, doubt, and fear. 

Blue crystals can help to open and balance the Third Eye chakra. Blue Lace Agate is a particularly helpful crystal for this purpose, as it is known for its ability to calm and clarify the mind. Other blue crystals that can be used to balance the Third Eye chakra include Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, and Azurite. 

There are many different ways to open and balance the third eye chakra. One way is to meditate with a blue crystal.

Hold the crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and focus your attention on your breath. Visualize a blue light shining from the crystal and entering your third eye chakra. 

Another way to work with the third eye chakra is to use essential oils. Place a few drops of blue chamomile or lavender oil on your forehead, and massage it into your skin.

You can also place a blue crystal on your third eye chakra during meditation or yoga, or wear one as jewelry. 

Throat Chakra 

The throat chakra, or Vishuddha, is the fifth primary chakra according to Hindu tradition. It is associated with the element of ether and the sense of hearing. The throat chakra is located at the base of the throat, and its color is blue. 

The throat chakra is the center of communication and expression. It is associated with the ability to speak one’s truth, and with creativity and self-expression.

When this chakra is balanced, we are able to express ourselves clearly and truthfully. We are also able to listen to others and communicate effectively.When the Throat Chakra is out of balance, we may have trouble communicating our needs or we may find ourselves being overly critical of others. We may also have a hard time hearing what others are saying or have difficulty communicating our needs to others. 

One way to balance the Throat Chakra is to use blue crystals. The color blue is associated with the Throat Chakra, which is the energy center responsible for communication and self-expression. Blue crystals can help to calm and soothe the throat area. They can also help to promote clear communication. Some of the best blue crystals to use for the Throat Chakra are Blue Jasper and Blue Apatite. 

Blue Jasper 

Blue Jasper is known as a Throat Chakra stone, as it helps to facilitate communication and expression of one’s true self. It helps promote clarity of thought and inspire creativity. Blue Jasper is also known as a stone of protection, as it may deflect negative energy and shield the wearer from harm. 

Blue Jasper is a semi-precious stone that has been used in jewelry and other decorative items for centuries. The stone is named for its deep blue color, which is caused by the presence of iron and other minerals in the stone. Blue Jasper is found in a number of different locations around the world, including Brazil, India, and the United States. The stone is relatively rare, which contributes to its value. 

Blue Spot Jasper Crystal Necklace Pendants

There are several different types of blue jasper, each with its own unique appearance. The most common is known as leopardskin jasper, which has a spotted pattern that resembles the print of a leopard. Other popular varieties include ocean jasper, which has a swirling pattern of colors, and rainforest jasper, which is a greenish-blue color. 

Blue jasper is a relatively soft stone, so it is often carved or polished into a variety of shapes. It is commonly used in jewelry, but it can also be found in other items such as vases and bowls. Due to its durability, jasper is also a popular choice for making cameos and other carved gems. It is typically found in nodules, or rounded lumps. It can also be found in a variety of shapes and sizes, from small pebbles to large boulders. The different sizes and shapes of blue jasper can make it a difficult stone to cut and shape. 

This crystal is is found in a limited number of locations around the world, which makes it a relatively rare gemstone. As a result, it can be quite expensive, depending on the size and quality of the stone. The best quality jasper is typically found in Brazil and can cost anywhere from $100 to $200 per carat. Lower quality jasper can be found in other parts of the world for as little as $20 per carat.

Blue Apatite 

Blue apatite crystals can be used to activate and balance the throat chakra. It helps one to communicate more clearly and express themselves more freely. It can also ease stress and tension, and help to release old, negative patterns.

In addition, blue apatite can help to clear away blockages and negativity that may be preventing you from communicating your truth. It can also help to increase your confidence and self-esteem. 

Blue Apatite Towers

Apatite is a phosphate mineral that is typically blue in color, but can also be green, yellow, brown, or colorless. The different colors of apatite are due to the presence of different metals in the crystal structure. 

The most common blue apatite is called fluorapatite, which contains fluorine atoms in the crystal structure. Other types of blue apatite include chlorapatite, which contains chlorine atoms, and hydroxylapatite, which contains hydroxyl groups. Apatite is a relatively soft mineral, with a Mohs hardness of 5.0. 

Blue apatite has a variety of uses. It is a major source of phosphorus, which is used in fertilizers and in the production of phosphoric acid. Apatite is also used as a gemstone, and is cut into a variety of shapes and sizes for use in jewelry. It is also used in the manufacture of dental and bone substitutes, as well as in the production of glass and ceramic products. Apatite typically occurs as small, prismatic crystals with a vitreous luster. It has a wide range of shapes and sizes, from microscopic to large crystals. 

It is relatively inexpensive, costing about $10 per carat. Some of the more expensive varieties of blue apatite can cost up to $100 per carat. 

Heart Chakra 

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located in the center of the chest. It is associated with the element of air and the color blue. The heart chakra is responsible for our ability to love and be loved. When this chakra is in balance, we are able to give and receive love freely. We are also able to forgive easily and have a strong sense of self-love. 

If the heart chakra is out of balance, we may find it difficult to give or receive love. We may also have a hard time forgiving others or ourselves. We may feel disconnected from our emotions and have a hard time expressing them. 

We can use blue crystals to help balance the heart chakra. Blue crystals promote peace, compassion, and understanding. They can help us to see both sides of every issue and to find common ground. Blue crystals can also help us to let go of grudges and resentments. Blue is also the color of the heart chakra, so it can help to open and

heal this chakra. The best crystal for heart chakra is blue aragonite. Some other blue crystals for the heart chakra are blue lace agate, turquoise, and sodalite. 

Blue Aragonite 

Blue aragonite is particularly helpful for opening and balancing the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is associated with love, compassion, and healing. When this chakra is out of balance, we may feel disconnected from our emotions and others. Balancing the heart chakra can help us to feel more connected, loving, and compassionate. 

Aragonite is a strong, grounding stone that can help us to connect with the earth. It can also be helpful for calming the mind and easing stress. If you are looking for a stone to help balance your heart chakra, blue aragonite is a good choice. 

Blue Aragonite Palm Stone

Aragonite is a calcium carbonate mineral, one of the two common natural forms of calcium carbonate, the other being calcite. Aragonite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, and its crystals are mostly rhomboidal in shape. It is soft, with a Mohs hardness of 3.5–4.0. Blue aragonite is found in a variety of environments, including hydrothermal vents, hot springs, caves, and marine environments. It is also a common precipitate in marine environments. 

Blue aragonite is a mineral that can be found in a variety of sizes and shapes. The most common shape that blue aragonite takes is that of a pyramid, however it can also be found in a variety of other shapes including spheres, rods, and sheets.

The size of blue aragonite can also vary, with some specimens measuring only a few millimeters in length while others can be over a meter in length. Despite its wide range of sizes and shapes, blue aragonite is typically a very delicate mineral and can be easily damaged. 

The price of blue aragonite can vary depending on the quality and quantity of the stone. The average price per carat for high quality blue aragonite is around $30. For lower quality stone, the price can be as low as $5 per carat. 

Root Chakra 

The root chakra is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the element of earth and the color blue. The root chakra is responsible for our feeling of safety and security. When it is balanced, we feel grounded and stable. When it is out of balance, we may feel anxious or fearful. 

When the root chakra is imbalanced, we may feel anxious, fearful or insecure. We may have trouble meeting our basic needs or feel disconnected from the earth. We may also

experience physical symptoms such as fatigue, lower back pain or problems with the immune system. 

Blue crystals can be used to balance the root chakra. Blue is the color of the ocean and the sky, and it is associated with the element of water. Blue crystals can help us to feel more connected to the natural world and to our own bodies. They can also help us to feel more calm and serene. Blue obsidian is a great crystal for root chakra. 

Blue Obsidian 

Blue obsidian is a stone that can be used to help open and balance the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the element of earth. This chakra is responsible for our sense of security and stability.

blue obsidian and its healing properties
Blue Obsidian and its Healing Properties

When the root chakra is out of balance, we may feel anxious or disconnected from our bodies. We may also have difficulty grounding ourselves. Together with rainbow obsidian, blue obsidian can help us to feel more connected to our bodies and the earth. It can also help to calm and ease anxiety. 

Blue obsidian is a variable of black obsidian that is colored blue by inclusions of nanometer-sized particles of hematite. It is also sometimes called blue fire obsidian. This semi precious stone is found in a number of places around the world, including Mexico, Iceland, and the United States.

It is used in a variety of applications, including jewelry, sculpture, and as a gemstone. Blue obsidian has a glassy luster and is usually opaque. It has a Mohs hardness of 5-6.The stone is brittle and can break easily. 

There are several types of blue obsidian, including Royal Blue Obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian, and Blue Fire Obsidian. Royal Blue Obsidian is a type of blue obsidian that contains inclusions of hematite, which gives it a deep blue color.

Snowflake Obsidian is a type of blue obsidian that contains inclusions of white crystals, which give it a snowflake-like appearance. Blue Fire Obsidian is a type of blue obsidian that contains inclusions of red crystals, which give it a fiery appearance. 

There are many different sizes and shapes of blue obsidian. It can be found in the form of small, pebble-like pieces or large boulders. It can also be found in a variety of shapes, such as spheres, cylinders, or sheets. 

The glassy texture of blue obsidian is the result of it being formed from quickly cooled lava. This lack of time for crystal growth gives the obsidian a smooth, even texture. 

Blue obsidian is available in a variety of prices, depending on the quality and size of the stone. It is generally more expensive than other types of obsidian, but the price can vary significantly depending on the supplier. High-quality blue obsidian can cost anywhere from $30 to $100 per ounce, while lower-quality stones may be as low as $5 per ounce.

  1. Blue stones should be cleaned with a soft, damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners as they can damage the stone. 
  2. To remove any build-up or residue, you can use a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to rinse the stone well afterwards. 
  3. If your blue stone has become dull, you can polish it with a soft, dry cloth. 

Best Ways to Care and Cleanse for Blue Stones 

Blue stones are a beautiful and unique addition to any home. Though they require some special care to keep them looking their best, it is well worth the effort. Here are some tips on the best way to care and cleanse blue stones: 

By following these simple tips, you can keep your blue stones looking beautiful for years to come. 

Where are Best Places for Storing Blue Gemstones 

To ensure your blue crystals maintain their optimal color and quality, it is important to store them properly. The best way to store blue crystals is to keep them in a cool, dry place. If possible, store your crystals in a humidity-controlled environment. Too much moisture can cause crystals to become cloudy. If you are going to store blue crystals in 

a moisture-free environment, it is important to make sure that the environment is free of all other materials that could potentially damage the crystals. 

If you are going to store blue crystals for a long period of time, it is best to keep them in a dark place. This will help to prevent them from fading. If you are not using the crystals regularly, it is also best to store them in a sealed container. This will help to keep dust and other contaminants away from the crystals. 

When not in use, blue crystals should be wrapped in a soft cloth or pillowcase to protect them from scratches. If you are storing multiple crystals together, make sure they are not touching. This can cause them to scratch and damage each other. Also, avoid storing blue crystals near other colors of crystals, as the colors can bleed into each other. 

Blue Stones: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do Blue Crystals Mean?

Blue crystals have different meanings and significance for those who choose to collect them. It represents the calmness and soothing ability it gives it wearers or those who have them nearby.

What are Blue Crystals Used For? 

Blue crystals are often used in jewelry and as decorative objects. They are also believed to have healing properties and are sometimes used in crystal therapy.

Blue crystals can also be carried in a purse or placed in a room or space, or used in meditation or other healing practices. 

What are the Benefits of Blue Crystals? 

Blue crystals are beneficial for those aiming to achieve more peace, calm, and relaxation in their lives. They are often used to ease anxiety, stress, and tension. Blue crystals are also used in healing practices, as they are believed to promote physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Are Blue Crystals and Stones Considered Lucky? 

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal beliefs and opinions. However, the most common blue crystals meaning and significance is that many consider blue crystals and stones to be lucky because of their color, while others may believe that any type of crystal or stone can be lucky if it is used in the right way. 

Are Blue Crystals and Stones Safe to Use During Pregnancy? 

Although there is no scientific evidence to support or refute this claim, many believers think that blue crystals and stones can be beneficial during pregnancy, as they are thought to promote peace and relaxation.

However, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider before using any type of alternative therapy during pregnancy. 

How are Blue Crystals and Stones Cut and Polished? 

Different blue crystals and stones are cut and polished using a variety of methods. The most common method is to use a saw to cut the stone into the desired shape, then use a grinding wheel to smooth the edges. 

How Can I Tell if a Blue Crystal Is Fake? 

There is no definitive answer, but there are a few things to look for that may indicate a fake blue crystal: 

  1. If the crystal is extremely shiny and does not appear to have any natural imperfections, it may be a fake. 
  2. If the color of the crystal is an unnatural, bright blue, it may be a fake. 3. If the crystal is much smaller than other crystals of the same type, it may be a fake. 

How Do I Store My Blue Crystals? 

While there is no one definitive answer to this question since different people may have different methods or preferences for how to care for their blue crystals, here are some general tips that may be useful include: 

  1. Store the crystals in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  2. Cleanse the crystals regularly with water or a gentle cleansing solution – handling the crystals with care and respect.
  3. Charge the crystals regularly with energy from the sun, moon, or a crystal quartz cluster.

What Happens if I Use Too Little or Too Many Blue Stones? 

If you use too few blue stones, you may not experience the full range of healing benefits that they offer. Conversely, if you use too many blue stones, you may find yourself overloaded with energy, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or agitation. It is therefore important to find the right balance when using blue stones for healing purposes. 

Where Can I Find Blue Crystals? 

Some of the most common potential sources for blue crystals include gemstone include dealers, rock and mineral shops, and online retailers. Sometimes they can also be found in nature or manmade, although this will depend on the specific type of crystal being sought. 

What are Some of the Benefits of Blue Gemstones in Jewelry? 

Some benefits of blue gemstones in jewelry are that they can be used to represent water or the sky, and they can also be used to promote peace and relaxation. The blue crystals in jewelry can also promote feelings of hope and happiness, while additionally warding off negative energy and restoring calmness and serenity. 

Summary: Is It Worth Buying One?

Blue crystals are often associated with calmness and serenity. They are known to have a soothing effect on the mind and body, and can be used to promote relaxation and tranquility. Blue crystals are also believed to promote communication and self-expression, and are useful in dealing with grief and sadness. 

Blue crystals are often used to promote peace, harmony, and communication. They can be helpful in meditation, opening up the third eye and throat chakra and accessing higher levels of consciousness. 

In order to achieve these healing benefits, they need to be worn at all times. Jewelry is a great method of wearing blue crystals while also making a fashion statement. These benefits include reducing stress, improving circulation, and helping to detoxify the body. 

If you’re seeking a stone that will help you connect to your intuition and inner wisdom, blue crystals are an excellent choice.