Mood Ring Colors: Meaning and Benefits [GUIDE]

Mood rings are a type of novelty jewelry that contains a colored stone which is thought to change color based on the wearer’s current mood.

The stones in mood rings are made from materials that are sensitive to heat, such as thermochromic liquid crystals. Mood rings were first introduced in the 1970s and became popular again in the 1990s.

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Mood rings were first created in the 1970s and became quite popular in that decade. Though their popularity has since faded, mood rings remain a fun and interesting way to gauge your emotions or the emotions of others.

The theory is that the temperature of the body changes with the emotions and causes the color of the mood ring to change. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Today, they remain a popular choice for costume jewelry and can be found in many different colors and designs, and have different mood ring colors and meanings.

Mood ring colors can vary depending on the design, but most contain at least four different colors: green, blue, black, and red.

Each color is said to represent a specific emotion or feeling:

  • Green: relaxed, calm
  • Blue: happy, content
  • Black: stressed, anxious
  • Red: angry, agitated

Mood rings are generally affordable and can be found at most jewelry stores or online.

However, it is important to note that mood ring colors are not always accurate and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Mood rings are a type of accessory that can be worn on the finger, and they change colors depending on the wearer’s mood.

The idea behind mood rings is that different color changes can indicate different emotional states, so people can use them as a way to check in with themselves or others.

Mood ring colors can range from black and white to a full spectrum of hues, and there are even some that glow in the dark!

While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that mood rings actually work, they remain popular as a fun fashion statement. Here is a guide to some of the most common mood ring colors and what they are said to represent:

Black: Black is said to indicate relaxation or serenity. It might also suggest mystery or sophistication.

Blue: Blue is one of the most common mood ring colors, and it generally signifies happiness or calmness. If the blue is particularly light, it might also mean that the wearer is excited about something.

Green: Green usually indicates balance or reassurance. It might also suggest renewal or hope. However, if the green is very dark, it could signal jealousy instead.

Yellow: Yellow describes liveliness and energy. A brighter shade might also suggest happiness, while a more mellow yellow can indicate thoughtfulness.

Orange: Orange is associated with enthusiasm and spiritual awareness. It could also be a sign of creativity or generosity. However, an orange that is too dark might mean that the wearer is angry or anxious.

Red: Red is often seen as the color of passion, love, and desire. It can also signify anger, danger, or excitement. A very deep red mood ring might even indicate hatred.

Purple: Purple generally represents royalty and mystery. It can also symbolize magic or intuition. Some people believe that a purple mood ring means the wearer is psychic!

Brown: Brown is often seen as a sign of grounding or stability. It might also indicate physical strength or endurance. However, a very dark brown could be a sign of depression instead.

Gray: Gray can describe confusion or insecurity. It might also mean that the wearer is feeling detached from their emotions. A lighter shade of gray can sometimes suggest hope, though.

White: White is usually associated with purity or cleanliness. In some cases, it might also represent new beginnings or fresh starts.


A mood ring is a jewelry accessory that contains a heat-sensitive stone. The stone changes color based on the body temperature of the person wearing it, which is said to indicate their current emotional state.

One common use for mood rings is as a couples’ game. Each person wears a mood ring and tries to guess what color their partner’s ring will be based on how they are feeling in that moment.

This can be a fun way to learn more about your partner’s emotional side, as well as your own.

Mood rings can also be used simply as fashion accessories. Heat-sensitive stones come in many different colors, so you can choose one (or several) that goes well with your outfit or matches your personal style.

You can even find mood rings with multiple stones of different colors, allowing you to change up your look whenever you want.

If you are looking for a unique gift for someone special, consider giving them a mood ring. It is a thoughtful present that shows you are interested in their emotional well-being. Plus, it’s always fun to see what color your mood ring will be each day.

Mood rings first became popular in the 1970s, and their popularity has waxed and waned in the intervening decades.

While some people dismiss them as nothing more than a passing fad, others believe that mood rings can actually be helpful in modifying one’s mood or emotional state.

Mood rings work by changing color based on the wearer’s body temperature. Everyone’s body temperature is slightly different, so the colors that are produced by a mood ring will vary from individual to individual.

The general idea is that when someone is feeling relaxed or happy, their body temperature will be higher, causing the mood ring to change to a warmer color.

Conversely, when someone is feeling agitated or stressed, their body temperature will be lower, causing the mood ring to change to a cooler color.

Due to its relationship between body temperature and emotion, some people believe that wearing a mood ring can help them to become more aware of their own emotions and how they are affecting their body.

In theory, this awareness can then lead to better self-regulation of emotions and improved mental health overall.

Additionally, some people find simply wearing a colorful mood ring to be enjoyable and fun!

Liquid crystals are made of long, thin molecules that line up in parallel rows. When these molecules are heated or cooled, they change shape slightly and this causes the crystals to change color.

The specific colors produced by a given liquid crystal can be determined by adding various impurities to the solution during manufacturing.


The mood ring is a piece of jewelry that contains a metal alloy which changes color based on the wearer’s body temperature. The idea behind the mood ring is that it can be used to gauge the wearer’s emotional state.

Mood rings have been found to be inaccurate in measuring emotions, but they can be fun to wear and are often seen as nostalgic pieces of jewelry.

Understand emotions

Some people believe that mood rings can help them to better understand their own emotions, while others simply enjoy choosing a ring that matches their outfit for the day. There are many different types of mood rings available on the market, so there is sure to be one that meets your needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking to purchase mood rings, consider these most commonly asked questions about each colors meaning and benefits.

What are mood rings?

A mood ring is a jewelry piece that contains a thermochromic liquid crystal within a clear stone on the ring. The wearer’s body heat causes the temperature of the liquid crystal to change, which results in the color change of the stone. Depending on the mix of chemicals used, a mood ring can indicate different emotional states based on the color that is displayed.

How do mood rings work?

Mood rings work by using a thermochromic liquid crystal that changes color based on changes in temperature.

The liquid crystal is sensitive to changes in body heat, so when you wear a mood ring, it will change colors based on your body temperature. The colors of a mood ring can indicate different emotional states, depending on the mix of chemicals used in the liquid crystal.

Do mood rings actually work?

There is no scientific evidence that mood rings actually work. However, some people believe that they do work because the colors can change based on their emotional state.

It is possible that the colors of a mood ring could change based on changes in body temperature, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

What are some of the most common colors for mood rings?

Mood rings can come in a variety of colors, but some of the most common are blue, green, black, and red.

Blue is often seen as a calming color, while green is associated with happiness. Black typically indicates anger or stress, and red is typically associated with excitement or passion.

What do the colors on mood rings mean?

The colors of a mood ring can indicate different emotional states, depending on the mix of chemicals used in the liquid crystal. However, some of the most common interpretations are that blue indicates calmness, green indicates happiness, black indicates anger or stress, and red indicates excitement or passion.

Can mood rings be used to predict the future?

Mood rings cannot be used to predict the future. The colors of a mood ring only indicate changes in body temperature, which can be affected by a variety of factors such as stress, excitement, or even room temperature.

Are mood rings accurate?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that mood rings are accurate. The colors of a mood ring can be affected by a variety of factors, such as stress, excitement, or even room temperature.

Do mood rings need to be worn all the time?

Mood rings do not need to be worn all the time. However, if you want to get an accurate reading, it is best to wear the ring for at least 30 minutes so that your body temperature can stabilize.

Can mood rings be worn in water?

Mood rings can be worn in water. However, the colors of a mood ring may not be accurate if you are in a hot shower or bath, as the increased body temperature could affect the color change.

How long do mood rings last?

Mood rings typically last for 1-2 years with proper care. However, the colors of a mood ring may start to fade after extended use.

How much do they cost?

Mood rings can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars depending on the quality and design of the ring. If you are interested in purchasing a mood ring, do some research to find a reputable seller who offers high-quality products at fair prices.


Wearing a mood ring can be a fun way to add some jewelry to your look, but it is important to remember that the colors of the ring do not accurately reflect your emotions.

If you are looking for a piece of jewelry that has meaning beyond fashion, consider a different type of accessory.