Rainbow Moonstone: Calming Crystal

(Last Updated On: 3rd Jan, 2023)

Rainbow Moonstone crystal and its name is derived from the sheen of labradorescence that shimmers in a spectrum of colors.

It has been used in jewelry for centuries including Roman jewelry dating back 2000 years ago! In India it was considered sacred and was linked with the lunar deity, Chandra. It was also said to calm emotions and bring peace and balance.

The most common colors are blue, green, yellow, and peach. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Australia and Brazil.

Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It soothes emotional instability and stress related illness brought on by hormonal imbalance. Use rainbow moonstone when you need an emotional pick-me-up or when you feel like you need to start fresh with a new project.

Rainbow moonstone can also be used to enhance psychic abilities by providing clarity and insight. It is a great stone for meditation and visualization. Rainbow moonstone is associated with the crown chakra.


A rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar that displays a beautiful adularescence. Adularescence is an effect of light diffraction within the stone that creates the appearance of billowing clouds or a starry night sky.

The name “rainbow moonstone” is derived from this lustrous display of iridescent colors.

Rainbow moonstones are considered to be powerful stones for unleashing creativity and self-expression. They are also said to promote love, compassion, and empathy.

These healing stones are believed to calm and balance the emotions, as well as bring forth inner peace. These gemstones are also thought to enhance intuitive abilities and psychic perception.

Physical benefits attributed to rainbow moonstones include relief from menstrual cramps, PMS symptoms, headaches, tension, and stress. Rainbow moonstones are also said to boost immunity and stamina, while aiding in detoxification processes within the body.

When placed on the solar plexus chakra (located just above the belly button), rainbow moonstones are said to bring forth a sense of calm and serenity.

In addition to their many physical and emotional benefits, rainbow moonstones are also associated with the spiritual realm.

These gemstones are said to connect one with the Divine Feminine energy, as well as promote intuition, introspection, and psychic abilities. Rainbow moonstones can also be used for Past Life Regression work and for accessing Higher realms of consciousness.

Healing Benefits

Rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar mineral that exhibits a beautiful iridescent play-of-color. The name “rainbow moonstone” is derived from this effect, which resembles the colors of the rainbow.

Increases emotional balance

Rainbow moonstone has been used for centuries by healers as a powerful healing stone. It was believed to be helpful in easing stress and tension, and promoting calmness and peace. Rainbow moonstone was also thought to be helpful in balancing emotions and mood swings.

Today, many people still believe in the power of rainbow moonstone and use it for its purported healing benefits.

Improves circulation

Rainbow moonstone is said to be beneficial for overall health and well-being. It is thought to boost energy levels, improve circulation, reduce inflammation, ease anxiety and depression, regulate sleep patterns, strengthen the immune system, and balance hormones.

It is also thought to be helpful in treating migraines, vertigo, digestive issues, and respiratory problems.

In crystal healing, rainbow moonstone is often used to open up the chakras and align the energies of the body. It is thought to be particularly beneficial for the crown chakra and third eye chakra.

Rainbow moonstone is also said to be helpful in clearing negative energy and promoting positive vibes.

If you’re interested in trying rainbow moonstone for its purported healing benefits, there are a few ways to do so. You can purchase loose stones or crystals and carry them with you, or wear them as jewelry.

Rainbow moonstone is also used in many different types of crystal healing treatments, such as massages, facials, body wraps, and baths.


Rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar that exhibits a unique play of color known as “labradorescence.” This effect is caused by light interference within the stone, and is typically seen as bands or streaks of colors ranging from blue to green.

The colors are most visible when the stone is viewed from certain angles, and may appear to change or “move” as the angle changes.

Rainbow moonstone is said to possess many mystical properties, including aiding in psychic abilities, stabilizing emotions, and cleansing negative energy. It is also thought to be helpful in balancing one’s masculine and feminine energies, and can be used to promote peace and harmony.

It is often associated with the elements of air and water, and its energies are believed to be primarily feminine in nature.

The name “rainbow moonstone” comes from the stone’s ability to show a spectral display of colors resembling a rainbow, combined with the fact that it is typically found in shades of grey or silver (resembling the moon).

Rainbow moonstone is found in several places around the world, including Australia, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Norway, Sri Lanka, and the United States.

Cultural Significance

Rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar that exhibits a schiller effect, which is caused by light diffraction within the lamellae. The name “rainbow moonstone” is derived from this optical phenomenon, which appears as a ‘play’ of colors across the surface of the stone.

Moonstone is considered to be a sacred stone in India, and has been used in jewelry and carvings for centuries. It is said to represent the divine feminine energy, and is associated with the goddesses Lakshmi and Parvati. Rainbow moonstone is believed to bestow upon its wearer good fortune, love, and protection.

In India

Rainbow moonstone is found in a number of locations across India, including the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Andhra Pradesh. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular as a gemstone for jewelry and is used in many different styles of pieces.

If you are looking for a unique and special gift, consider Rainbow Moonstone jewelry from India.

In China

Rainbow moonstone, also known as shen yun jing in Chinese, is a beautiful and enigmatic gemstone. Its name comes from the fact that it often displays a rainbow-like play of colors across its surface.

This so-called “labradorescence” is created by light reflecting off of multiple layers of feldspar within the stone. Rainbow moonstone is found in many parts of the world, but most of the commercial material comes from Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and India.

Rainbow moonstone has been used in jewelry for centuries, and its popularity has only grown in recent years. Many people are drawn to its unique appearance and believe that it has spiritual powers. Some say that rainbow moonstone can help balance one’s emotions and bring inner peace. It is also said to be helpful for those suffering from anxiety or depression.

Despite its beauty and purported benefits, rainbow moonstone is not a particularly well-known gemstone in China.

That may be changing, however, as the country’s middle class continues to grow and demand for luxury goods increases. Rainbow moonstone is certainly a luxurious gemstone, and its popularity is likely to continue to rise in China and other parts of the world.

Rainbow moonstone has a long and colorful history. It was first used centuries ago in Rome, and it has been found in ancient Celtic jewelry. The stone was also popular in Art Nouveau jewelry of the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Today, rainbow moonstone is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, due in part to its unique appearance and rumored spiritual powers.

Despite its relatively recent rise to fame, rainbow moonstone has a long and storied history. The stone was first used centuries ago in Rome, and it has been found in ancient Celtic jewelry.

The stone was also popular in Art Nouveau jewelry of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Today, rainbow moonstone is enjoying a resurgence in popularity, due in part to its unique appearance and spiritual powers.

It is said that Rainbow Moonstone can help balance one’s emotions and bring about inner peace. The gemstone is also said to be helpful for those suffering from anxiety or depression. Rainbow moonstone is also said to be helpful in attaining psychic abilities and enhancing creativity.

Whether or not you believe in the spiritual powers of rainbow moonstone, there’s no denying that it’s a beautiful gemstone. If you’re looking for a unique piece of jewelry, rainbow moonstone is a great option. The stone is becoming increasingly popular in China and other parts of the world, so it’s likely that you’ll be seeing more of it in the future.

How to Use It

Rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar that exhibits a unique play of color. The stone is named for its iridescent sheen, which is caused by light reflecting off of inclusions within the gem. Rainbow moonstone is found in Sri Lanka, India, and Madagascar.


Rainbow moonstone has been used in jewelry for centuries. The stone was popular during the Art Deco period, when it was often used in beaded or filigree settings. Today, rainbow moonstone is enjoying a renaissance in popularity, with many designers using it in modern and contemporary styles of jewelry.

The most distinctive characteristic of rainbow moonstone is its play-of-color effect. Also known as labradorescence, this optical phenomenon appears as flashes of iridescent colors that seem to shift and change within the gemstone itself.

The colors are created by light interference; when white light strikes the surface of the stone, some waves reflect off the surface while others pass through the stone and strike inclusions beneath the surface. These waves then reflect back up through the stone, causing the colors you see.

The type of inclusions found in rainbow moonstone can vary, but they are typically platelets of hematite or other minerals. The size, shape, and spacing of the inclusions determine the intensity and type of color play that is seen.

For example, if the inclusions are large and well-spaced, you will see a strong effect with lots of bright colors. If the inclusions are small and close together, you will see a softer effect with more pastel colors. The best quality stones have a strong color play with vivid hues.

Rainbow moonstone is a relatively soft gemstone, registering between 6 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. Because it is not as hard as some other types of jewelry stones, it needs to be handled with care to avoid scratching or chipping. It is also important to protect the stone from sharp blows, as a hard impact can cause cracks or break the stone entirely.


Rainbow moonstone is a beautiful and versatile stone that can be used in a variety of jewelry styles. Whether you are looking for a unique piece of vintage jewelry or a modern update to your wardrobe, rainbow moonstone is definitely worth considering.

How to Cleanse and Charge

Rainbow moonstone is a beautiful, mystical stone that has been used for centuries for its healing and protective properties. It is said to be helpful in accessing the Akashic Records, past life recall, and intuition. Rainbow moonstone is also known as a stone of protection, guarding against negative energy and psychic attack.

When cleaning rainbow moonstone jewelry, it is best to use a mild soap and warm water. Avoid harsh chemicals or cleaners, as these can damage the surface of the gemstone. Ultrasonic cleaners and steamers should also be avoided. To preserve the gem’s natural beauty, it is best to store Rainbow moonstone in a soft cloth pouch or jewelry box lined with felt.

Cleaning rainbow moonstone is important to keep it functioning at its best. There are several ways to cleanse your rainbow moonstone:

Use running water

Simply hold your stone under running water for a few minutes. You can do this using a sink or cup, or even outdoors in a natural body of water like a river or stream. Water will cleanse away any negativity clinging to your stone and leave it refreshed and rejuvenated.

Charge it in the sun

Another great way to cleanse your rainbow moonstone is by charging it in the sun. Place your stone on a windowsill or outside in direct sunlight for an hour or two. The sun’s rays will cleanse and recharge your rainbow moonstone, leaving it refreshed and ready to work its magic.

Leave it out in the moonlight

Another great way to charge your rainbow moonstone is by leaving it out in the moonlight. The lunar energy will recharge and replenish your stone, leaving it ready to work its magic.

Smudge it with sage crystal

Sage stone is a powerful cleansing herb that has been used for centuries to cleanse negative energy. To smudge your rainbow moonstone, simply light a sage stick or bundle and hold your stone in the smoke for a few minutes.

You can also waft the smoke around your stone using a feather if you prefer. This method will quickly remove any unwanted energies from your rainbow moonstone.

Once you have cleansed your rainbow moonstone, it’s important to charge it so that it can continue to work effectively. There are several ways to charge your stone:

Place it on a Selenite charging plate

Selenite is a high-frequency crystal that is excellent for charging other stones. Simply place your rainbow moonstone on a selenite charging plate overnight or for a few hours during the day.

Hold it in your hand

You can also charge your rainbow moonstone by holding it in your hand and visualizing white light pouring into the stone. This simple method will quickly fill your stone with positive, healing energy.

Your rainbow moonstone is now cleansed and charged and ready to use. Enjoy working with this beautiful, mystical stone and harnessing its powerful energies.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

If you are contemplating whether to include rainbow moonstone to your collection, check out the following most commonly asked questions about its healing powers and benefits below:

What is rainbow moonstone?

Rainbow moonstone is a type of feldspar that exhibits a unique play of colors. When light hits the stone, it creates the illusion of a second, inner light. This effect is known as adularescence.

What is the difference between rainbow moonstone and other types of moonstone?
Rainbow moonstone is distinguished from other types of moonstone by its adularescence, or play of colors. When light hits the stone, it creates the illusion of a second, inner light.

How is rainbow moonstone used?

Rainbow moonstone can be used in jewelry and as a decorative element in homes and gardens. It is also said to have metaphysical properties that promote peace, harmony, and balance.

What are the metaphysical properties of rainbow moonstone?

Rainbow moonstone is said to promote peace, harmony, and balance. It is also said to have healing properties and to be helpful for those suffering from anxiety or stress.

What is the difference between rainbow moonstone and labradorite?

Rainbow moonstone and labradorite are both feldspar minerals that exhibit a unique play of colors. Rainbow moonstone is distinguished from labradorite by its adularescence, or play of colors. When light hits the stone, it creates the illusion of a second, inner light.

What is the difference between rainbow moonstone and opal?

Rainbow moonstone and opal are both minerals that exhibit a unique play of colors. Rainbow moonstone is distinguished from opal by its adularescence, or play of colors. When light hits the stone, it creates the illusion of a second, inner light.

Why might someone collect rainbow moonstone?

People might collect rainbow moonstone because of its beauty, or because of its metaphysical properties. Rainbow moonstone is said to promote peace, harmony, and balance. It is also said to have healing properties and to be helpful for those suffering from anxiety or stress.

How much does rainbow moonstone cost?

The price of rainbow moonstone varies depending on the quality of the stone. Higher quality stones can cost anywhere from $20 to $100 per carat.


Prehnite stone can be used for a variety of purposes, including in jewelry and as a decorative element in homes. It is widely known for its beauty, and its ability to soothe and calm the wearer. This stone is also believed to have healing properties. Prehnite is found in a variety of colors, including green, yellow, and white.

Prehnite is a stone that has a long history of use. It is named after Colonel Nicholas Von Prehn, who discovered it in the Cape Colony in South Africa in 1779. Prehnite was used by the ancient Egyptians and is thought to have been used in some of their jewelry. This stone was also popular with Victorian era jewelers.

Prehnite is relatively easy to find and collect. It can be found in a variety of places, including online and at gem shows. This gemstone is usually not very expensive, making it a good choice for those on a budget.

Prehnite stones can be used in a number of ways. They can be set in jewelry or used as part of home decor. These stones can also be placed in gardens or carried around with you to help promote calm and peace.

If you are looking for a beautiful and serene stone to add to your collection, prehnite may be the perfect choice for you. This stone has a wide range of benefits that can be enjoyed by those who use it.