Angelite: Crystal to Connect with Your Guardian Angels

(Last Updated On: 4th Jan, 2023)

The article discusses the meaning and properties of the stone known as Angelite. Angelite is said to be a stone of peace and tranquility and is believed to have a calming effect on the wearer.

If you’re looking for a stone that will help you find peace and tranquility, look no further than Angelite.

Angelite is a beautiful blue stone that is said to promote feelings of peace and calm. It is also said to be helpful in times of stress or anxiety. Whether you’re looking to calm your mind or ease your anxiety, Angelite is a great stone to keep close by.

What is Angelite?

Some people believe that Angelite can help to connect you with your guardian angel. If you’re looking for a stone that will help you feel more connected to the spiritual world, Angelite is a great choice. It is also said to be helpful in times of stress or anxiety and can promote feelings of love and compassion.

Angelite is a relatively soft stone, so it’s important to take care when wearing it. Avoid storing it with other stones that are hard, as it can easily be scratched.

Angelite Properties

Angelite is a semi-precious stone that is part of the celestine mineral group.

It has a pale to medium blue color and is named for its angelic associations. Angelite is said to be a stone of peace, harmony, and compassion. It is believed to facilitate contact with the angelic realm and to promote communication with one’s higher self.

It may be helpful in easing anxiety and promoting restful sleep. Angelite is found in Peru, Madagascar, and Pakistan. It is usually cut into cabochons, beads, and tumbled stones.

It is named after its pale blue color, which is caused by the presence of trace amounts of copper. Angelite stone is one of the birthstones for people born in the month of February. It is a soft stone and should be handled with care. It is sensitive to heat and chemicals and should be stored away from other hard stones.

Angelite has a Mohs hardness of 3.5-4 and a specific gravity of 2.6-2.7. It is transparent to translucent, with an adamantine luster. It is usually colorless, white, pale yellow, pale pink, pale blue, or pale green, but can be violet, orange, yellow-brown, brown, or black. Its tenacity is brittle and ductile, and it cleaves in one direction. It is a soft stone, however, and may be scratched by a knife. It is non-fluorescent.

What are the Benefits

Some benefits of Angelite crystal are that it can help to connect you with your angels, promote peace and calm, ease anxiety and stress, raise your vibration, promote communication, help you to access higher wisdom it can promote love and compassion, may help heal the heart, connect you with the Divine, and promote more clarity and understanding. Other benefits include bringing about change, achieving balance and harmony as well as grounding you.

If you are still not convinced yet, it is also thought to help to protect you from negative energy, help to cleanse and purify your energy, raise your consciousness, and even help you to connect with the angelic realm.

Some other benefits of Angelite crystal are that it can help to bring healing to the body, mind, and spirit, it can help to promote inner strength and courage, it can help to release fears and doubts, and it can help to expand your awareness, it can help to bring about a sense of peace and wellbeing, it can help to open up your psychic abilities.

It can help you to connect with your higher self, it can help to increase your intuitive abilities, it can help you to connect with the angelic realm, it can help you to achieve your goals and dreams, and it can help you to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

How to Use this Crystal in Your Life 

Angelite is a stone that can be used in many ways. It can be used to calm and soothe the emotions, to bring peace and serenity, to promote communication and understanding, and to enhance psychic abilities.

It can also be used to help one connect with the angelic realm and to receive guidance and support from the angels.

Angelite can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or pouch. It can also be placed in a room or space to create a calming and peaceful energy.

Meditating with Angelite crystal can help to still the mind and open one up to guidance from the higher realms. As part of Angelite’s healing properties, it can also be used in energy work and healing to promote peace and calm.

When working with Angelite, it is important to connect with the stone and set your intention for working with it. This will help to amplify the energy of the stone and aid in achieving your desired results.

If you are looking for a stone to help you connect with the angelic realm, to promote peace and calm, or to enhance your psychic abilities, Angelite may be the perfect stone for you.

I hope that this has helped you to understand how Angelite can be used in your life. Remember, when working with any stone or crystal, it is important to set your intention and be clear about what you want to achieve.

If you do this, you will be sure to experience the positive effects that Angelite can bring.

What You Should Know About Angelite

There are a few things to keep in mind when working with Angelite.

First, because it is a soft stone, it is important to be careful when handling it and to avoid dropping it or knocking it against hard surfaces.

Second, Angelite is a delicate stone and can easily be scratched or chipped, so it is best to store it in a soft cloth or padded jewelry box.

Finally, it can fade in sunlight, so it is best to keep it out of direct sunlight when possible.

When used in crystal healing, Angelite is said to be helpful for easing anxiety, stress, and fear. It is also said to promote communication, understanding, and compassion. It is most commonly used in crystal form, either as individual stones or in jewelry. 

It can also be found in some metaphysical shops in the form of Angelite essence, which is a water-based solution containing a small amount of Angelite that can be used for drinking or in baths.

It is associated with the throat chakra, which is the energy center associated with communication and self-expression. Angelite chakra helps balance and open the throat chakra, promoting clear and honest communication.

Making the Most of Angelite

There is no one answer to this question as different people will have different ways of connecting with and using their Angelite crystal. However, here are a few general tips that may help you to get the most out of working with this stone:

First and foremost, take some time to cleanse and charge your Angelite crystal before using it. This will help to ensure that it is vibrating at its highest frequency and will be able to more effectively support your intentions.

When working with Angelite, it can be helpful to hold the stone in your non-dominant hand. This allows you to receive its energies more easily and also helps to prevent your own energies from overwhelming the stone.

Spend some time meditating with your Angelite crystal, focusing on your breath and allowing yourself to relax into its calming energies.

As you do so, visualize your intention for working with the stone, such as connecting with your guardian angel or opening your psychic abilities.

You can also place your crystal on your altar or in your sacred space, letting it infuse the area with its high vibrational energies. Alternatively, you can carry it with you or wear it as jewelry to keep its energies close to you throughout the day.

Potential Risks

The risks of using Angelite crystal are not well known, but there are some potential risks associated with its use. Angelite crystal is a type of crystal that is said to have healing properties. It is often used in crystal therapy and is sometimes used in other forms of alternative medicine.

Angelite crystal is generally considered to be safe, but there are some potential risks associated with its use. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using Angelite crystal or any other form of alternative medicine.

One of the potential risks of using Angelite crystal is that it could interact with other medications or supplements that you are taking. It is important to speak with your healthcare provider before using Angelite crystal if you are taking any other medications or supplements.

Another potential risk of using it is that it could cause side effects. Some people may experience side effects such as headache, dizziness, or nausea.

If you experience any side effects, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider.

Angelite crystal is generally considered to be safe, but there are some potential risks associated with its use. It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using Angelite crystal or any other form of alternative medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

This crystal is a powerful stone that can be used for a variety of purposes. In this FAQ section, we will explore some of the most commonly asked questions about this crystal so that you can better understand its properties and how to use it.

Where does Angelite gemstone come from?

Angelite is a soft, blue mineral that is a member of the sodalite group. It is found in Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico. Angelite is often used as a gemstone and is also used in making jewelry and other ornamental objects.

It is named for its angelic blue color. It is said to be a stone of peace and tranquility. Angelite is said to be helpful in times of transition and can be used to ease the stress of change. It is also said to promote communication and understanding. Angelite is said to be helpful in promoting psychic abilities, and is also said to be a stone of protection.

How do you cleanse Angelite?

The best way to cleanse Angelite is to use running water. You can also use salt water or white vinegar.

Cleanse your Angelite with running water by simply holding your stone under a running faucet and allow the water to flow over it for a few minutes. You can also place your Angelite in a bowl of running water overnight.

To cleanse your Angelite with white vinegar, simply place your stone in a bowl of white vinegar and allow it to soak for a few hours.

How do you store Angelite crystals?

Some people like to keep their Angelite crystal in a special place in their home, while others prefer to wear it as jewelry. You can also keep your Angelite crystal in a small pouch or box with other crystals.

Some people also like to place their Angelite crystal in a room where they spend a lot of time, such as their bedroom or living room. Others choose to place their Angelite crystal near plants or other objects that they feel represent their spirituality.

What should you do when it cracks or breaks?

If your Angelite cracks or breaks, you should clean the piece with a soft, damp cloth and then place it in a safe place. If the piece is small enough, you can try to repair it with super glue.

When you are not using your Angelite, it is best to store it in a soft cloth or jewelry box.

If it has been damaged, it is best to consult a professional gemologist or jeweler to see if it can be repaired.

Angelite is a soft stone, so it is important to be careful with it. Avoid dropping it or wearing it during activities that could cause it to break. In general, Angelite is a durable stone, but it is still important to treat it with care.

What are some other stones that work well to combine with it?

  • Clear quartz – The master stone, clear quartz magnifies the energy of any stones it is paired with. It’s also a stone of protection, deflects negativity and clears away any spiritual debris.
  • Lapis lazuli – A spiritual stone that opens the third eye chakra, lapis lazuli is known for its ability to relieve depression and relieve emotional burdens.
  • Sodalite – A stone of mental clarity and emotional balance, Sodalite is also known for its ability to relieve depression and ease feelings of loneliness.

Angelite Crystal: In a Nutshell

Angelite is a blue stone with a soft, gentle energy. It is a stone of peace and tranquility and is excellent for promoting communication and understanding. It can also be used to help with anxiety and stress. Angelite is a very calming and soothing stone, and is a great choice for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.

If you are looking for a stone to help you relax and feel more at peace, this gemstone is a great addition to your crystals collection as it helps improve communication or understanding in a situation.